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Mercury Marine wins business honor in Wisconsin

March 3rd, 2014



Mercury Marine was named 2013 Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year on Thursday in Milwaukee.

Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Awards are presented by Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce. Mercury Marine took top honors in the Mega category, which recognizes companies with more than 750 employees. Mercury employs 5,400 worldwide and has 3,100 employees in Wisconsin.

“We’re extremely honored to be named Manufacturer of the Year,” Mercury Marine president Mark Schwabero said in a statement. “The award is a testament to the efforts and commitment of Mercury employees over the past 75 years and our relentless determination to position Mercury as the world’s leading manufacturer of marine propulsion systems. Our values-based culture makes Mercury an integral part of the fabric of many Wisconsin families and communities.”

Mercury, which also was named Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year in 2006, has made more than 11 million boat engines and is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. The company’s global sales totaled $2.1 billion in 2013.

“Mercury will continue to innovate and build products that appeal to our customers,” Schwabero said. “Our success and continued growth has been made possible by the dedication and support of our employees, suppliers, dealers and the communities in which we work. The Mercury name has been synonymous with excellence in the marine industry for 75 years, and we will continue to produce at the highest level now and in the future.”


Chaparral skrotar tillverkningen av de större modellerna. Otroligt synd tycker jag. Vet inte om det är nytt för er eller om ni redan läst det.



Chaparral and Robalo builder Marine Products Corp. is focusing on smaller and entry-level boats moving forward, shifting focus away from the 35-foot-and-above market.

That’s according to vice president of corporate finance Jim Landers and president and CEO Rick Hubbell, who addressed questions from analysts last week in a conference call to discuss third-quarter earnings.

“That is a weaker market right now,” Landers said during the call. “We want to be there, but we’re kind of closing that, actually.”

“It has been our strength and, again, that segment of the market is weak,” Hubbell agreed. “I think we still have some very good products, but what we’re selling is smaller boats and entry-level boats. That’s where we’re focused now, as we think that’s where the growth opportunities are, but we will continue to monitor demand in larger boats and the demand in that segment, and we certainly can respond. We’ve got some awesome boats up to the 24- and 26-foot range and I think we would be able to capitalize on that, but right now we’re focused on smaller boats.”

Chaparral is leveraging its appeal to entry-level buyers to the marketplace with its H2O line and wants to attract younger boaters in the jetboat segment that it plans to enter, Landers said. “So we're catching people earlier in their boating lives and they have a good experience with their first product and they’ll stay with us throughout their boating career. We know demographically that that is important, as well.”


Well..det är en rätt gammal nyhet från  förra året.

Nyförsäljningen av Daycruisers i 35-40 fots området är otroligt trögt  och många tillverkare går ifrån den typen av båt för närvarande.

Så beslutet är nog klokt tills vidare.


Hmm..utmärkelse på UIM ..Båtracingens huvudkontor i Monaco..!!


Azimut Benetti honored for environmental safety


March 4th, 2014


Azimut Benetti Group marketing director Francesco Ansalone (left), safety manager Massimo Guzzo and press office manager Giovanni Bogetto are shown at the UIM Environmental Award 2013 on Saturday in Monaco.

The Azimut Benetti Group was honored for promoting a culture of environmental safety in the workplace at the UIM Environmental Award 2013, sponsored by the Union Internationale Motonautique, the international governing body of powerboating.

The event was held Saturday at the Salle des Etoiles of Le Sporting Monte Carlo complex in Monaco. Columbus Yachts won the Environmental Award for its 40S Hybrid.

The UIM’s goal is to promote excellence in the innovation, development and application of environmentally friendly technologies. Azimut Benetti received a special mention for environmental benefits.

The group was honored, in particular, for the BS OHSAS 18001 certification it obtained in December. OHSAS 18001 is a British standard for occupational health and safety management systems.

Azimut Benetti said it was the only shipyard in the world that has achieved the certification for its six production sites: Avigliana, Savona, Varazze, Viareggio, Livorno and Fano.


Boston Whaler är ju inte kända som snygga billiga båtar utan tvärtom..dock slår dom konkurrenterna med häpnad..!! :D


Boston Whaler sees boost in market share


March 4th, 2014



Boston Whaler president Huw Bower is shown at the New England Boat Show.

BOSTON — Boston Whaler has been increasing its market share across the board, seeing a 25 percent increase in the 23- to 32-foot segment for the last six quarters in a row.

That’s according to Boston Whaler president Huw Bower, who told Trade Only Today last week that the trend was one factor in the company’s decision to introduce the 420 Outrage — the brand’s biggest model ever — in the 2015 model year.

“It’s a huge focus for us to continue to deliver innovative products with versatile, functional interior spaces,” Bower told Trade Only at the New England Boat Show. “For four of the last five years we’ve won Innovation Awards at the Miami [international] Boat Show for smart use of interior spaces. We were thrilled to win this year” for the 345 Conquest.

It’s not just the larger models that have performed well, he said.

“The larger boats are harder to track, but the small boats continue to be strong,” Bower said. “The fact that Boston Whaler has 26 percent share in the 11- to 17-foot range is just extraordinary. It speaks volumes to the fact that Boston Whaler is a premium brand.”

Bower, who took the helm about a year ago, said past president Tim Schiek, who left to head the Sea Ray brand, left behind a brand “that was in great shape and a product that’s been winning in the market.”

Prior to his role at Whaler, Bower had been at Lowe Boats and then Triton, two of Brunswick’s aluminum brands that performed well during and post-recession. (Before that, Bower served in the British Navy.)

Because aluminum fishing and pontoon boats outperformed the rest of the overall market, Bower said the group came charging out of the gate in terms of new product introduction post-recession. “It was all about bringing new product to the market that was practical and versatile,” he said.

Despite the transition to fiberglass, he said the mission remains the same.

Bower thinks the versatility of the Whaler and the saltwater fishing segment in general have increased its appeal among today’s boat buyers. “Even if the boat is full of water and all sandy, you’re still sitting and enjoying yourself. All you have to do is hose it down, and you’re never buying a different boat” to meet additional needs because one vessel is able to meet them all, he said.

That trend, combined with Whaler’s brand loyalty, continues to give the brand an edge in the marketplace, Bower said.

“As I’ve met owners, I’ve met so many who say they started boating when they were 13 on a 15-foot Super Sport,” Bower said. “And they’ve stayed with us ever since.”


Undrar hur detta kommer att gå. Frågade Carina om hon ville lära sig fiska..

Hon tittade på mig som jag inte var riktigt klok.. :)


Women’s fishing seminar set for Florida in April


March 13th, 2014


Women are invited to explore the sport of fishing April 11-13 at a “Ladies, Let’s Go Fishing!” seminar at the I.T. Parker Community Center in Dania Beach, Fla.

Sponsored by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in conjunction with the Sport Fish Restoration Program, “Ladies, Let’s Go Fishing!” is a national organization dedicated to attracting more women to sportfishing and promoting conservation and responsible angling.

During the three-day, hands-on event, FWC educators will demonstrate ethical angler habits, such as safe hook removal, release techniques and fish venting. Local fishing guides will provide instruction about fishing techniques and methods. The community center is at 901 NE 3rd St. in Dania Beach.

On the final day of the seminar, women may embark on a fishing adventure.

Other “Ladies, Let’s Go Fishing!” events are scheduled for May 16-18 in Stuart, Fla., and Nov. 14-16 in the Florida Keys.


Här snacka vi jetbåt.



Tyvärr kommer ju jetbåt kategorin ha en stående kung för all framtid(?)

Azzam med sina 96000hk och 4 vägtunnel stora vattenjet.


Enormt vacker båt..


Gillar designen skarpt, mkt läcker! :D


Borde inte damen ifråga vara iklädd flytväst?


Om vi kommer överens med kunden ska vi bygga den här alubåt.post-186-0-64167000-1395582272_thumb.jpg

  • Like 3

Vem är det som designat? :)



Vad är det för storlek? 45' eller större?


Den  på ritningen är till och med 90 men den ska bli runt 30/33 fot.


Boston Whaler announces Florida plant expansion

 March 25th, 2014

Boston Whaler is launching a major expansion of its Edgewater, Fla., facility by adding 58,000 square feet.

The announcement comes shortly after the company said it would build its largest boat ever, the 42-foot Outrage, at the Miami International Boat Show.

“This expansion gives us the capability to continue to grow our portfolio,” Boston Whaler president Huw Bower said in a statement. “We are proud to have introduced more than a dozen new boats in less than three years’ time and look forward to continuing this trajectory of innovation. Expanding the capacity of our facility underscores our commitment to continued growth and enables us to further expand our product line to meet the solid demand for our boats.”

During an interview with Trade Only Today at the New England Boat Show, Bowen said the upcoming expansion was in part to accommodate the company’s upcoming 42-foot boat.

The Volusia County Council’s decision to provide local financial support for Boston Whaler’s participation in Florida’s Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund program was an important component of the company’s decision to expand its Edgewater facility. The QTI program is designed to encourage higher-skill job creation and foster economic growth.

“The Boston Whaler brand is internationally known for quality, and this decision to expand their manufacturing facility will provide residents with quality job opportunities,” Volusia County economic development manager Rob Ehrhardt said.

“The creation of additional jobs helps the entire community,” Edgewater city manager Tracey Barlow said. “Boston Whaler has been a very strong partner for our community and we look forward to a long and prosperous future with them.”


Ser i nya katalogen att dom fixat bälgsatsen till Alpha One Gen II på Jula! :)

Även anodsatsen i aluminium finns.


Men naturligtvis så har dom inte kommit in på hyllan än.. :(


Det är under Julas egna märke Kayoba iofs, men en del av deras volvo-bälgar hade penta-stämplar... :rolleyes:



Någon som hunnit klämma på grejerna?

Colombia plans for future marine industry growth



March 26th, 2014






CARTAGENA, Colombia — The marine industry is outgrowing the infrastructure in Colombia, leading the government to solicit proposals from companies worldwide for the construction of Marina San Andres, a 477-berth marina that officials hope will include amenities such as a shipyard and shopping mall.




Kul Svensk nyhet.. :thumbsup:


Svensk blev världens bästa båtfotograf.

Internationella racerbåtförbundet (UIM) har utsett en bild av av den svenske mästerfotografen Pickla (Peter Ohlsson) till årets bild. Det var 16:e året som UIM i Monaco höll den här fototävlingen, där deltagarnas bilder tävlar i sex olika kategorier.






10 års garanti på båten är ju inte fel..  


Tracker Marine Group rolls out new warranty



March 31st, 2014


Tracker Marine Group is offering a 10-year factory warranty covering 2014 Sun Tracker pontoons.

The new coverage includes limited lifetime structural and deck warranty and full coverage during the warranty period with no pro rating. In addition, the warranty can be transferred to a second owner.

“From the early days when we started making pontoon boats, we worked hard to make good quality boats with great family features. We are very thankful that our customers are satisfied with their boats and continue to reward us with their loyalty,”Bass Pro Shops/Tracker Marine Group founder Johnny Morris said in a statement. “Now we are giving back with the best warranty in the market.  And we are telling the more than a thousand customers who have already purchased a 2014 Sun Tracker that their boats are covered, too.”




Det här är nyhet för mig iallafall... Gjorde lumpen i Finland och då fanns det inte så här fina båtar...


Den var i bruk redan när jag gjorde värnplikten 2004. Vill dock minnas att det var typ kapell istället för hårt tak fram så att säga.

Har ju många egenskaper som påminner om svenska stridsbåten. De största skillnaderna är att stridsbåt 90 bär mer beväpning och annan vapenlast. 

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